Everything you need to manage and grow your program

Design & issue digital credentials

Design and issue verifiable digital badges and certificates that showcase acquired skills, earning criteria, and evidence of learning — ensuring learners can effectively represent their achievements.

Certificate & Badge Designer

Upload or design your own certificate and badge with our drag-and-drop editor, or get inspired by our collection of ready-made templates.


Create a branded credential experience via unmatched customization — from custom URLs to white-labeled issuer page, emails, and learner directories.


Dynamically populate skills, earning criteria, and custom attributes such as names, course titles, and more on a per-credential and -email basis.

Digital Wallet

Give learners a competitive edge and support their mobility with credential wallets that help communicate the totality of their skills and abilities.

Issuer page

Convert new learners with a dedicated landing page featuring program information and links, and all of your publicly visible certifications.


Protect your brand and give learners peace of mind, knowing that third parties can instantly verify their fraud-proof credentials.

Streamline credential management

Spend more time improving your program and less on managing credentials. With Accredible, you can automate credential management, ensure accuracy and consistency, and enhance the learner experience.

Integrations & API

Unify your data, tech stack, and learner experience by connecting your LMS, CMS, or publishing tools to auto-issue credentials upon completion.

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Bulk Upload

Easily create and publish a large number of credentials for single or multiple groups with a CSV, XLS, or XLSX spreadsheet upload.

Automatic Expiration

Ensure credential integrity by adding expiration dates and automatically expiring credentials, marking them no longer valid.

Dynamic Updates

Automated name change requests, typo correction, and retroactive editing mean you’ll never have to worry about small mistakes costing you time or money.

Credential Management

Easily manage your various credentials to quickly filter, assign team members, and view insights.


Group relevant content together to simplify course catalog management and enable learners to easily discover and navigate your course offerings.

Drive engagement & enrollment

Engaging learners and empowering them to share credentials is paramount to program success. Accredible gives you everything you need to incentivize course completion, credential sharing, and continued learning.

One-Click Acceptance & Sharing

Enable learners to easily celebrate their achievements to 40+ platforms and embedding options for LinkedIn, websites, and emails — increasing program referrals.

Email Campaigns

Use engagement data to easily create tailored, automated messages like credential-sharing reminders, reenrollment incentives, or renewal notices.

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Create visual learning journeys with stackable milestone credentials that remove learner guesswork and incentivize continued learning.

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Create additional learner value and connect them with future opportunities by recognizing recipients and their acquired skills via an online directory.

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Job Market Insights

Enhance your credentials by showcasing market value and jobs tied directly to the skills and learning outcomes your program offers.


Boost brand visibility and course enrollment by advertising your credentials to a verified pool of active learners.

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Support learners’ journeys and reach more engaged learners by featuring your credentials on our credential directory and course search platform.

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Digital Wallet Card

Ensure recipients can take and instantly verify credentials or membership anywhere they go with Apple and Android wallet cards.

Analyze & optimize your growth

Data and insights are the fuel that drives effective program strategies. With Accredible, you’ll always have the right insights to refine strategies, enhance impact, and unlock your program’s potential.

Credential Analytics

Gain visibility into how and where credentials are used and shared, how often they're viewed, referrals to your program website, and more.

Email Analytics

Increase engagement and optimize credential email performance by tracking opens, clickthroughs, and resulting share and engagement rates.

Pathways Analytics

Track and visualize real-time course enrollment, completions, and dropoffs to measure learner proficiency and improve your program.

Keep your credential data secure

Credentialing starts with trust. That’s why Accredible combines enterprise-grade security features with regular audits to ensure your important data is always secure and confidential.

Security & Compliance

Scale with peace of mind, knowing Accredible adheres to the highest security standards and regulatory requirements, including GDPR, SOC 2 Type II, and more.

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Ensure the credibility of your program by safeguarding credentials against tampering and counterfeiting with blockchain recording and bank-level encryption.

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Single Sign-On (SSO)

Simplify user management by setting up your Accredible account to trust a third-party identity provider to authenticate team members and recipients.

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Brute Force Prevention

Safeguard against malicious actors by detecting and thwarting repeated, automated attempts to guess issuer and recipient account passwords.

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Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Add an extra layer of security to your program and recipient accounts by requiring users to provide a second piece of information when logging in.

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Professional Services for Your Program

With years of experience working with many of the world’s leading programs, our Professional Services Team provides hands-on guidance on everything from skills and competency frameworks to credential governance, frameworks, and taxonomies to reach your goals.

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Accredible for...
Frogames logo

“Since we introduced Accredible digital credentials, our course completion rate has improved by three times.”

Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas
Co-Founder, Frogames

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Syracuse logo

“I've spent 45 years in information technology, so I mean it when I say Accredible is such high-quality software — that's really what made the difference for us. You can’t miss with it.”

Arthur Thomas
Executive Director of the Office of Professional Acceleration and Microcredentials, Syracuse University

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“What makes a difference for us is the partnership and alignment in our shared success. We're Accredible fans because it served us well.”

Basia Bullard
Global Learning Solutions Director, Trimble

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Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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