
Integration Spotlight - Zoom

Jasmine Quigley
September 29, 2022
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

The Zoom integration enables issuers using Zoom’s video communication software to automatically issue credentials to attendees of meetings or webinars. Use the Zoom integration to manually or automatically deliver feature-rich digital credentials including digital certificates, digital badges, and blockchain credentials to Zoom attendees after the session has completed.

What is Zoom?

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service that allows users to virtually meet with others, host webinars and meetings, record meetings or events, and screen share one-on-one or with a group. Zoom is considered the industry leader in video conferencing, having grown by 227% during 2020 and is still experiencing growth. Over half of Fortune 500 companies state they use Zoom for their video meetings. Organizations use Zoom to connect their remote teams through Zoom meetings, present webinars for customers, deliver online training, and host events. Using Zoom, organizations benefit from:

  • Support for large audiences. Zoom meetings support up to 100 attendees, Zoom rooms can support up to 500 attendees, and Zoom webinars allow for up to 10,000 virtual attendees.
  • A free to use plan that allows an unlimited number of meetings up to 40 minutes long.
  • Compatibility with Google Calendar allowing attendees to add calendar events to keep track of upcoming meetings and events with the necessary Zoom meeting link.
  • Ease of use. Zoom is an easy to use platform that has reduced the difficulties in organizations making the move to online meetings and conference calls. It has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to start screen sharing, recording, and engaging with calls.
Zoom Meeting Example

What is Zoom integration?

Zoom integration through Accredible enables hosts to automatically or manually issue digital certificates and digital badges to meeting or webinar attendees. Using the Zoom integration, hosts can:

  • Set up automated digital credential issuance to registrants of the Zoom meeting who attend the meeting for a pre-set minimum length of time
  • View a list of attendees after the meeting, the length of time they attended, and whether they have been issued a credential yet, then manually issue credentials where required
  • Set up automated digital credential issuance to attendees of the Zoom webinar who attend the webinar for a pre-set minimum length of time
  • View a list of attendees after the webinar, the length of time they attended, and whether they have been issued a credential yet, then manually issue credentials where required

The benefits of using Zoom integration

Zoom’s video conference software doesn’t offer functionality to issue certificates or badges to meeting or webinar attendees. For Zoom users to be able to issue digital credentials to their participants, they need to integrate with Accredible. Issuers that use digital credentials delivered using Accredible’s Zoom integration benefit from:

  • One-click verification of credential validity across devices
  • Retained control over the validity, design, and metadata of issued certificates and badges
  • QR-code support for enabling printing and hard-copy verification of digital certificates
  • A dedicated credential webpage that offers space for granular program detail, skill tags, and uploaded evidence
  • Built-in, one-click sharing to over 20 social media platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
  • An enterprise ready platform backed by bank-level encryption and data protection
  • Optional blockchain protection for digital credentials to provide increased security against credential fraud
  • Easy to use drag-and-drop design tools that allow for fully customizable digital certificate and badge designs supported by custom attributes and complete branding control
Digital Badge and Digital Certificate Example

Accredible’s feature-rich digital credentials give issuers the tools to increase their visibility and brand awareness with easy-to-share digital badges, digital certificates, and blockchain credentials. Recipients share their credentials in celebration to their social networks, and embed their credentials on personal webpages and in email signatures to showcase their competencies. Every recipient share increases the visibility of credentials and encourages prospective candidates in the target audience to engage with and investigate the credential for their own development needs. The dedicated credential page provides space for details of the program, demonstrable skills, and evidence of knowledge or experience that ensures viewers understand the value of the credential. This helps to drive referrals, grow programs, and increase revenue from chargeable courses. 

Digital Credential Design

Accredible BadgeBuilder Tool

Accredible’s easy to use drag-and-drop certificate and badge design tools enable issuers to create scroll-stopping digital credential designs. Complete customization control allows issuers to use their branding to full effect to increase recognition of their digital badges and digital certificates. Support for animation through GIFs also helps to attract the attention of prospective customers and makes badges stand out against competitors. Custom attributes allow issuers to streamline the number of credential designs by setting placeholders for credential data including recipient names, course names, stakeholder signatures, and many more. A free-to-use library of templates and design assets helps issuers to get their credentialing programs launched faster and guides the creation of custom designs.

Retain Credential Control

Expired Digital Credential Example

Digital credentials exist in real-time which means issuers retain control over the design, details, and validity of their issued digital certificates and badges. Physical and PDF credentials lack control once they are in the possession of recipients which creates a risk of credential fraud. The ability to set digital credentials to expire with increased visibility of expiration helps to motivate recipients to return to reskill or renew their membership. Recipients receive email reminders as their credentials near expiration. Once expired, credentials are updated with a page-width banner that states the credential can no longer be verified. As editing control remains with the issuer, this drastically reduces the cost of amendments or updates such as spelling corrections or name changes.  

How to set-up Zoom integration

To connect Zoom with Accredible, users will need a paid Zoom account. The plugin is then installed from the Integrations menu in the issuer’s Accredible account. Written step-by-step instructions can be found in the Accredible knowledge base here:

Once the Zoom integration has been authorized, the button on the Zoom integration page will show ‘Credential Issuance’, click this button to launch the Zoom integration. Accredible integration can also be found in the Zoom Marketplace:

How to use the Zoom integration

After successfully integrating Accredible into Zoom using the integration menu, issuers need to create their digital credential groups via the ACMS. 

Creating a Digital Badge or Certificate

Digital credentials are designed, managed, and updated from the Accredible Credential Management System (ACMS). From the ACMS issuers can access our dedicated certificate designer and badge designer tools, and easily manage all of their credentials from one place.

Guidance for creating digital badges and digital certificates is available in our knowledge base library of help articles. Follow the links to our help articles below:

Configuring and Managing Issuance for Zoom Digital Credentials

Issuers can choose to issue credentials manually or set-up automation for credentials to be issued automatically after the webinar or meeting has completed. The user configuring issuance settings will need account-level Zoom admin permissions to select various meeting or webinar hosts. 


After launching the Zoom integration from the ACMS, select ‘Meetings’ under ‘Select the list of events you’d like to see’, then choose a host to return a list of their meetings. Once the host has been selected, you will be able to see a list of their past and upcoming meetings. For past meetings, the button in the far right column will show ‘Manage’, for future meetings, the button will read ‘Configure’. 

To configure a future meeting, click the ‘Configure’ button on the meeting to bring up the auto issuance settings. Select which group to add to the meeting and then choose the criteria for issuance. Issuers can choose to issue credentials manually after the meeting, issue credentials to all participants once the meeting ends, or issue to participants based on their duration of attendance. 

To manage a past meeting, click the ‘Manage’ button on the meeting to bring up a list of meeting participants, how long they attended the meeting for, and if they already hold a credential and when it was issued. First choose which group to add to the meeting. Then from the list of participants, the issuer can select individuals to issue a credential to or bulk issue credentials by selecting multiple participants. 

Please note, credentials can only be issued to meetings that are non-recurring. 


Webinar credentials are issued in the same way as meetings. Launch the Zoom integration from the ACMS, select ‘Webinars’ under ‘Select the list of events you’d like to see’, then choose a host to return a list of their webinars. 

To configure a future webinar, click the ‘Configure’ button on the webinar to bring up the auto issuance settings. Select which group to add to the webinar and then choose the criteria for issuance. Issuers can choose to deliver credentials manually after the webinar, issue credentials to all participants once the webinar ends, or issue to participants based on their duration of attendance. 

To manage a past webinar, click the ‘Manage’ button on the webinar to bring up a list of meeting participants, how long they attended the webinar for, and if they already hold a credential and when it was issued. First choose which group to add to the webinar. Then from the list of participants, the issuer can select individuals to issue a credential to or bulk issue credentials by selecting multiple participants. 

In Summary

Accredible’s Zoom integration enables hosts to deliver feature-rich digital credentials to their meeting or webinar participants manually or automatically. Integrate Accredible into your Zoom account today and start offering secure, shareable, and verifiable digital badges, digital certificates, and blockchain credentials to your candidates to increase your program and brand visibility. 

For more information about Accredible, our digital badging platform, digital credentials, or integration with other platforms, learning management systems, and solutions, book a platform demo.

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