Product Certification

3 Ways Accredible Pathways is Enhancing Credentialing Programs

Jake Ford
November 7, 2023
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

As a Product Manager at Accredible, it's always exciting to hear firsthand how our features are being used by our customers. So, when I had the opportunity to speak with two power users of our Pathways feature during our live, virtual event this month, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. During our conversation, Tom Joseph from the State of Missouri and Erik Froelich from Wharton Online shared their unique perspective and highlighted how Pathways has enhanced their credentialing programs. Let’s explore the impact that Pathways has had on their respective organizations:

Pathways Helps Streamline the Credentialing Process

The State of Missouri launched its digital credentialing program with Accredible in February 2023, aiming to showcase the skills, learning, and achievements of their team members. With over 50,000 team members, they needed a streamlined solution to issue and track credentials effectively. The introduction of Accredible Pathways feature proved to be a game-changer for the state, accelerating their credentialing program.

Pathways allowed the State of Missouri to establish six distinct routes for capturing and communicating the diverse streams of training content within their certification program. It seamlessly integrated these streams, offering a clear roadmap for learners to follow, and automating the issuance of capstone credentials when learners complete any of the streams. Pathways not only automated the tracking process, saving time and resources for the state, but it also offered valuable insights to Tom and his team about their most popular courses and learner engagement, including identifying drop-off points.

Clear Pathways Empowers Learners

Wharton Online, part of the Wharton School's Division of Executive Education, adopted Accredible for digital credentials in late spring 2022. Known for offering a wide range of business courses and programs for professionals, Wharton Online recognized the need for a feature that would help certificate learners understand their learning options and track their progress. Enter Pathways!

Pathways provided a way for Wharton Online to take their programs to the next level by automating their course offerings. The feature helped them create clear and structured learning paths and communicate key credentials and skills within the overall program. The visualization and tracking capabilities of Pathways proved invaluable in representing their certification programs to learners. As part of their overall certification program, Pathways helped Wharton Online increase learner engagement, as 90% of the credentials they have issued are interacted with.

Driving Marketing Efforts with Pathways

One aspect that both Tom and Erik highlighted during our conversation was the value of marketing efforts when using Accredible’s Pathways feature. Tom mentioned the possibility of linking to Pathways from their website to promote their programs, while Erik expressed interest in integrating the Pathways page into their marketing campaigns. Pathways, with its clear program structures and automated credential distribution, contributes to a seamless learner experience and aids in effective marketing.

Final Thoughts

My conversation with Erik and Tom gave me incredible insight on how Pathways is revolutionizing the credentialing landscape for the State of Missouri and Wharton Online. From streamlining the credentialing process and empowering learners with clear pathways to driving marketing efforts, Pathways has proven to be a valuable tool for organizations looking to enhance their credentialing programs and foster learner engagement.

I want to express my gratitude to Erik and Tom for their time and information. Sharing their experiences not only helps our team understand the unique needs of our clients but can also inspire other Accredible users to develop impactful Pathways that encourage their learners to take more courses and achieve more credentials! You can watch our full conversation below.

If you're interested in leveraging the power of Accredible's Pathways feature for your organization, please reach out! We're always here to help you take your credentialing programs to the next level.

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