May 24, 2023

The Top 10 Challenges of Digital Credentials in 2023

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May 24, 2023
On demand

What this webinar is about

Digital credentials are growing in popularity but as a disruptive, new technology, there are still a number of commonly held misconceptions around their use and benefits. Yet, digital credentials are powerful tools that have the ability to change the credentialing landscape for the better. They can help credentialing departments to save time and money on the creation, delivery, and management of credentials, greatly enhance the recipient experience, and return control over live credentials to issuers. 

In our latest webinar, we are going to explore the top ten challenges we most frequently hear from prospective issuers and how Accredible provides the solution. Join us to hear more about how issuers can use and integrate digital credentials with their existing platforms and systems, how we enable fraud-proof physical credentials without incurring additional costs to issuers, and how issuers can ensure their digital credentials deliver value.

Featured speakers

Cody Gondyke

Director, Demand Generation & Digital Marketing

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