Wordpress Badges & WordPress Certificates

Use Accredible to deliver certificates and badges to WordPress users.
Certificate & Badge Creation

Select WordPress users and automatically create a certificate or badge with one click.

Deliver Certificates and Badges

Deliver certificates and badges via email to your WordPress users.

Let WordPress users view all the certificates and badges they've received.

Marketing Referrals

For each badge or certificate you send out receive impressions and click throughs from engaged users.

Wordpress Badges & WordPress Certificates

WordPress is very popular free, open-source content management system (CMS), used for creating blogs, informational websites, e-commerce websites and has many LMS plugins available.

Plugin Details

Whether you want to offer course completion certificates, micro-credentials, open badges, blockchain credentials, attendance badges or more to WordPress users our integration is the right fit for you.

Once you've installed the plugin and entered your API key simply visit the Certificates & Badges page to select WordPress users and automatically send their information to Accredible. You can create and deliver many certificates or badges at once using our plugin.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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