How DMI Saved 90 Hours and $50,000 While Increasing Brand Visibility with Accredible

The Organization

The Digital Marketing Institute is the world’s leading professional institute in the field of Digital Marketing. Working closely with expert-practitioners, the Institute promotes best current practice, theory and applied skills in Digital Marketing for individuals and organizations.

The Impact


Certificate Cost Savings


Digital Certificate Views


Reduction in Staff Time Spent on Certificates

The Challenge

For every batch of Professional Diploma paper certificates, at least one full day of work would be required by a staff member. With an international clientele, Digital Marketing Institute was spending lots of money on printing and shipping certificates that would not always make it to their recipients. Their certification programs were costing an average of $9.12 each (without their labour costs), and, with more than 15,000 certifications to issue and manage, the costs of the program could easily reach six figures.

The Solution

Sending out paper certificates did not allow the Digital Marketing Institute to track engagement and brand exposure with their certification - traditional certificates get hung on a wall, and issuers like Digital Marketing Institute have no idea who has viewed them. Per DMI, “We simply could not post to any of our online platforms every time professional diploma students achieved certification.” For an organization that trains digital marketers, the ability to track views and shares of their certificates was crucial to expanding their business and brand. Digital Marketing Institute has tracked over 190,000 views of their over 6000 Accredible certificates. They are able to track their marketing reach just from issuing certificates - something they always did with little added value. Accredible has become a key marketing avenue for Digital Marketing Institute.

The Results

Accredible helped Digital Marketing Institute create an advanced digital certification process that maximizes speed & efficiency while keeping costs low. This means students receive their certificates in record time, with less work by staff. By using Accredible’s certifications as a marketing tool, Digital Marketing Institute have exponentially raised their brand awareness online.

Time formerly spent making, printing, and mailing certificates, or managing support requests from certificate recipients now takes Digital Marketing Institute a fraction of the time it did before switching to Accredible. Since switching to Accredible, Digital Marketing Institute has saved more than 90 hours of employee time and over $50,000.

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