
Why White Label Digital Credentialing?

Jasmine Quigley
December 9, 2020
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

White labeling is the term given to products and services produced by one company and branded under another business for the businesses’ end users.

Why issue white label digital credentials?

White labeling allows businesses to expand their offering with a faster time to market than building from scratch. It also supports brand awareness by maintaining consistent branding. White label digital credentials delivered by Accredible provide recipients with a quality end-product that is authentic to the issuing brand.

The aim of white labeling is to:

  • Get new services or products to customers faster than a bespoke solution
  • Reduce set-up, production, and ongoing maintenance costs
  • Maintain control over the relationship between a brand and their customers

This enables small businesses and start-ups to focus on development while offering a quality service or product.

What are white label digital credentials?

White label digital credentials are digital certificates and badges issued by a dedicated credentialing platform under the branding of another company. The benefit is full customization from design through to delivery. White label credentials through Accredible are supported by:

  • Full control over the credential page including custom CSS. This allows companies to design credential pages in line with their own website
  • Dedicated credential subdomain that sits on the company’s own domain. For example
  • Full control over email branding including header, footer, and internal links
Standard digital credential example – click to see live demo

White label digital credential example – click to see live demo

Accredible is the only digital credentialing platform within the competitive space that offers this level of customization for white label credentials.

Why use white label digital credentials?

The most important part of white labeling across any product or service is consistent branding. Through consistent branding companies grow awareness, establish authority, and build trust.

Further benefits of white label digital credentials include:

  • Greater control over budgets. Building anything from scratch can be expensive, especially if not planned in full. Choosing a white label solution rather than building one eliminates unexpected costs and reduces the cost of staying secure and competitive.
  • Use the strength of your brand. When recipients receive white label digital credentials they associate them with the quality of the brand. This encourages loyalty and establishes trust.
  • Taking advantage of a quality product. There is a learning curve to producing a stable, dependable product. White label digital credentials allow businesses to use an established and trusted software.
  • Get started faster. When introducing a new product or service, most businesses want to hit the ground running. White labeling skips the testing and fine tuning needed for a quality service, enabling businesses to offer new services faster.
  • Reduced responsibility. Choosing a dependable white label service with excellent support reduces the stress felt in-house when things don’t go to plan. Get fixes implemented fast and have more time to focus on customers.
  • Improve team productivity. A simple app takes at least 500-700 hours to develop from scratch, not counting ongoing maintenance. The opportunity cost of building bespoke is the loss of this time that can be used more effectively for integrations and support solutions.

Choosing white label digital credentials

To find the right white label digital credentialing service, check what level of control you need.

Does the business need to:

  • Add their logo to the credential page
  • Use their logo within the email header
  • Take full control over email branding
  • Style the credential page in line with the businesses’ own website
  • Host credentials on the businesses’ own domain
  • Provide a sense of security to recipients through consistent branding

Accredible not only provides white label services to meet these needs, but we are the only digital credentialing platform to offer full control over branding from design to delivery. We deliver white label digital credentials with an excellent recipient experience.

White label credentials and the network effect of working with Accredible

The definition of the network effect is a product or service that increases in value for existing users as more users join. The simplest example of this is an instant message service. A single user has no reason to use the service but as they get their peers involved, there are more users to communicate with and the value of the service increases. There are two types of network effect, direct and indirect.

  • Direct (same-side effects) - as more users join a service, all users benefit
  • Indirect (cross-side effects) - value increases for one user group as more users from a different group join

In digital credentialing, all users benefit from the direct network effect as the servicing platform has a greater capacity for upgrades, support, and platform features as the user base increases. Indirect network effects are experienced by both issuers and recipients. Issuers benefit through an increased audience of individuals interested in credentials as more issuers and their audiences join the platform and more individuals pursue digital credentials. Recipients benefit from increased exposure to available credentials that are relevant to their learning journey. 

Issuers can take advantage of Accredible’s CourseFinder and Recommendations products to further increase the visibility of their programs. This is particularly effective for issuers using white label credentials as it ensures their credentials stand out against competitors and increases engagement from prospective candidates. For more information on these products and how they help issuers and recipients benefit from the network effect, read our article on the network effect of working with Accredible

Further Reading

Consistent branding helps with growing awareness, but businesses still need to be in the right places to be seen. In the age of social media and sharing, digital certificates and badges let recipients show off their branded achievements with ease.

Download the report on ‘How Digital Badges Drive Brand Awareness and Referrals’ to learn more.

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