
Top 10 Courses in Demand 2022

Jasmine Quigley
September 23, 2022
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

The world of employment is constantly changing and in the last few years alone has experienced a pandemic, the rise of remote work, the Great Resignation, and now ‘Quiet Quitting’. With so much disruption to our working lives, it’s not difficult to see why priorities have shifted and more employees than ever before are seeking education and training. In this article, we will explore the top 10 courses in demand this year, the most in demand skills of 2022, and how users can find courses that will expand their skill sets.

Employee career paths are changing, more people than ever before are considering changing roles, locations, and even industries. People are assessing what it will take to gain new skills that will see them successfully win a promotion, change to a new role, or start a new career. They are pursuing cost-effective digital credentials that allow them to learn new skills quickly and showcase their latest competencies on their LinkedIn profiles to hiring managers. They are looking for routes into specialization and programs that allow them to expand and improve their soft skills. 

What are the most in-demand courses of 2022?

Using CourseFinder, a credential directory that is exclusive to our credentialing partners, we looked at the top ten search terms across this year and the courses that are available for learners to enroll on. 

1) Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages available and is used across applications such as machine learning, testing software, data analysis, data visualization, and website development. It is a versatile language that is beginner-friendly and is supported by a large, active community who are pleased to support others on their learning journey. 

Click the image to view the course details for the whole Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA)™ program

Search for Python courses on CourseFinder.

2) Data Science

Data science is a field of study that handles huge amounts of data and uses modern tools and techniques to find useful patterns, extract meaningful insights, and make data-backed decisions. Those working in data science are commonly referred to as data scientists and often have knowledge of machine learning, modeling, statistics, programming, and databases. 

Click the image to go to the Product School Website

Search for Data Science courses on CourseFinder.

3) Java

Java is a platform-independent, object-oriented programming language that offers reliability and versatility. It is used across a wide variety of tasks including building and running mobile applications, developing marketing tools including chatbots, building and scaling cloud computing applications, powering web applications, and supporting artificial intelligence and internet of things devices.

Click the image to go to the Knowledge Pillars website

Search for Java courses on CourseFinder.

4) Graphic Design

Graphic design is the use of colors, images, words, and ideas to convey a message to an intended audience. Designers use typography, imagery, visual hierarchy, page layouts, and stylization to meet the needs of users, to direct focus, to attract attention, and to optimize user experiences. Graphic design is used everywhere, from advertising and sales, to events, books, products, and more. 

Click the image to go to The School of UX website

Search for Graphic Design courses on CourseFinder.

5) Web Development

Web development or website development is the creation, building, and maintenance of websites and online applications that run in a browser. Website developers are responsible for ensuring websites function properly and provide a positive user experience. They may need to write code, use a content management system like WordPress or Webflow, or a combination depending on the platforms they are working on. 

Click the image to go to the Felix IT Systems website

Search for Web Development courses on CourseFinder.

6) Google

Google offers a number of flexible online training programmes designed to help users earn job-ready skills. Their programs extend to high-growth career fields such as digital marketing and e-commerce, IT support, data analytics, project management, and UI/UX design. Google also offers a number of highly popular tools including Google Analytics, Search Console, and Google Workspace for which users seek training to become proficient in. 

Click the image to view course details for Google Analytics for Beginners

Search for Google courses on CourseFinder.

7) Excel 

Excel is a spreadsheet program produced and managed by Microsoft that allows users to organize data and numbers using functions and formulas. As a popular and widely used data visualization and analysis tool, Excel skills are highly sought after in business settings. Roles that benefit from Excel skills include HR management, business analysis, operations management, and performance reporting.

Click the image to view course details for Beginner Excel Formulas

Search for Excel courses on CourseFinder.

8) React

React is a javascript-based UI (user interface) development library that was created by Facebook and is managed by an open-source developer community. It is widely used in website development as it allows for the easy creation of dynamic applications, has reusable components, is easy to pick up and learn, and has dedicated tools to make debugging easier. 

Click the image to go to the Mission Ready HQ website

Search for React courses on CourseFinder.

9) Project Management

Project management is the process of using methods, skills, knowledge, and experience to lead a team to successfully complete the goals for a project. Unlike traditional management, project management often has a set timespan and a final deliverable. Skills that contribute to project management roles include technical skills, people management skills, business awareness, and effective communication.

Click the image to go to the Agile Testing Alliance website

Search for Project Management courses on CourseFinder.

10) SQL

SQL (structured query language) is the language used to communicate with databases. It is used to carry out tasks such as updating, managing, and retrieving data. Common relational database management systems that use SQL include Oracle, Microsoft SQL server, Access, Sybase, and Ingres. There are different versions of the SQL language, and many SQL database programs have their own proprietary extensions alongside the SQL standard.

Click the image to go to the Maven Analytics website

Search for SQL courses on CourseFinder.

What are the most in-demand skills of 2022?

As well as the hard skills that can be gained through the courses suggested above. Many organizations are seeking specific soft skills like communication, management, creativity, and problem solving. The most in-demand soft skills of 2022 include:

1) Digital Literacy

Digital literacy covers the skills required to work, navigate, and learn in our everyday digital world. It is the confidence to work with popular devices, software, and apps in a safe and effective way. Those with strong digital literacy ability have an easier time using, communicating, and collaborating with digital tools and can quickly learn and adapt to new technologies.

2) Data Literacy

Data is a necessary and valuable business asset. To get the most out of their data, organizations want to hire people that can use, assess, and manage their data effectively. Data literacy is the ability to work with data confidently, be able to extract and communicate data-based insights, and feel comfortable questioning the validity and integrity of data they are working with. 

3) Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze situations without outside influence of biases, opinions, and false contributions. It allows an individual to understand the logical connections between ideas and use their ability to reason. Critical thinkers need to be comfortable questioning ideas rather than simply accepting what they are told and be able to identify, analyze, and solve issues systematically.

4) Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to understand, manage, and control our emotions, as well as perceive, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others around us. Someone that is considered emotionally intelligent is aware of how their emotions may impact others and their own behaviors and make efforts to manage their emotions appropriately. 

5) Creativity

Creativity isn’t limited to an individual’s artistic ability but covers creative thinking as a whole. This includes problem solving, coming up with new ideas, thinking outside the box, and achieving better results through innovative solutions. As a skill, creativity is the ability to consider a task or a problem in a different or new way in order to generate suitable ideas and solutions.

6) Collaboration

Collaboration has always been an important skill but has grown in demand as teams switch from in-person to fully remote or hybrid workers. As today’s workplaces adapt and change, individuals need to be able to efficiently communicate and collaborate with their colleagues using a variety of tools and sometimes across different time zones. Quality collaboration isn’t just the ability to complete a project while working with others. It involves being able to resolve conflict, create an inclusive environment, recognize the efforts of others, and solicit feedback.

7) Flexibility

Change is a given and flexibility is the ability to graciously react and adapt to change as it happens. Whether it’s adapting to a new working environment, adopting new tools and technologies such as automation and web services, or meeting the challenge of disruptions. Individuals with great flexibility are adaptable, open-minded, and have a keen willingness to gain new skills and learn new things to overcome obstacles.

8) Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are required across all industries and don’t just apply to leadership roles. A good leader helps to bring out the best in their team members and has the ability to organize teams to successfully reach goals and targets. Leadership skills enable an individual to communicate clearly, set achievable goals, manage and delegate responsibilities, and motivate others. 

9) Time Management

Time management is an essential skill and when time is managed effectively, it contributes to a better work/life balance. Good time management skills include being able to manage and use time in the most productive and efficient way. Time management is the epitome of ‘working smarter, not harder’ and individuals with great time management skills are often less stressed, have a better reputation, and have more opportunities to achieve their career goals.  

10) Curiosity and Continuous Learning

Individuals that show more curiosity in life often have greater intelligence, creativity, and problem solving skills. They regularly seek out new experiences, chase innovative ideas, and explore unseen possibilities. Curiosity goes hand-in-hand with a passion for continuous learning and enables employees to better adapt to change and keep up with new developments in the workplace.

Where to find courses for the most in-demand skills?

Accredible’s CourseFinder is an exclusive directory for our credentialing issuers to list and promote their programs, courses, and membership to prospective candidates. Learners use CourseFinder to find their next course or credential to support their professional or personal development journey. Simply search the skill, course, or issuer on CourseFinder to find the available programs. Candidates can save courses of interest, share them with their peers, or click the course to learn more and sign up. 

CourseFinder - Accredible's directory that is exclusive to our credentialing partners

In Summary

The skills and courses that are in high demand change regularly although there is a definite trend leaning towards tech jobs and tech skills. Roles not mentioned here that commonly appear on in demand lists also include software development, front-end and full stack development, SEO (search engine optimization), and devops engineering. Investigate the courses and issuers above or navigate to CourseFinder to find more courses and credentials of interest.

For more information on listing your courses on CourseFinder, using the Accredible digital credentialing solution, or issuing digital credentials book a platform demo with our team.

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