Company News

World-Class Customer Success

May 16, 2018
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
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World-Class Customer Success

Customer Success is about people. People are driven by needs, emotions, and experiences. They judge you by how well you serve them. Serve them well. This is the mantra of SuccessHACKER and it underlies their mission to inspire, educate and empower the people that power the Customer Success economy.

SuccessHACKER started as a boutique management consultancy and advisory firm focused on providing education, recruiting, consulting and Success Hacking services to SaaS companies. Over the past two years their mandate has grown and they now power a leading community of Customer Success practitioners and offer training programs for all levels of CSM experience.

To help their graduates enhance career opportunities, demonstrate their knowledge and provider further integrity for their programs SuccessHACKER has partnered with Accredible to deliver certificates and badges to qualified CSM graduates.

“It’s important to us that our students have a credible means to demonstrate their learning achievement. Accredible helps us provide digitally-verified and professional-looking certificates and badges, as well as giving our students the tools to share their skills with their personal and professional networks. This, in turn, drives more signups to our coaching program.” – James Scott, General Partner at SuccessHACKER.
SuccessHACKER digital certificate example.
“SuccessHACKER has created an amazing set of training programs in a very short space of time. Their quick growth demonstrates the quality of the work they’re doing and we’re very excited that they’ve adopted certificates and badges to help their graduates showcase the learning they’ve done.” – Alan Heppenstall, CTO of Accredible.


Accredible is an industry-leading digital credentialing platform which allows users to securely issue, manage, track, and verify their certificates and digital badges. Its platform is used by over 400 organizations worldwide, including Berklee, Kaplan University, and Google. More than 1,000,000 students have received certificates, badges or blockchain credentials through their platform.


SuccessHACKER is a Customer Success management consultancy that helps high growth technology companies increase customer lifetime value, lower customer acquisition costs and improve customer satisfaction by providing specialized consulting, recruiting and training services. Founded in 2016, with offices in San Francisco and Atlanta, SuccessHACKER also provides services for Customer Success leaders and individual practitioners, including a free online community and an industry-first Customer Success Training program for Customer Success Managers.

For more information, visit or connect with SuccessHACKER on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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