Company News

Increase Learner Engagement with Email Campaigns

Rochelle Ramirez
March 4, 2024
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
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As more education and training providers adopt digital credentials to meet market demands for easily shareable and verifiable proof of skills and competencies, programs seek additional ways to increase learner engagement and amplify their brand reach. The more you increase learner engagement with their earned certificates and badges, the more they’ll share them and add them to email signatures and LinkedIn profiles—which in turn helps attract new learners to your program.

However, limited credential email personalization, audience segmentation, and campaign performance measurement have made it difficult to truly unlock credential sharing and program growth—until now.

Introducing Accredible Email Campaigns, a suite of learner engagement marketing capabilities designed to increase credential sharing and propel program growth. Within the Accredible platform, you now can:

  • Use advanced audience targeting to build custom email campaigns that engage and resonate with learners at every stage of the journey
  • Deliver personalized, triggered messages such as credential-sharing reminders, re-enrollment incentives, renewal notices, and more to increase credential sharing, program referrals, and learner retention 
  • Track and visualize campaign performance in real-time, optimizing your marketing strategies for maximum impact

From increased learner satisfaction and expanded program reach to amplified brand visibility and organic referral traffic generation, Email Campaigns offer unparalleled customization and agility to unlock the full potential of your program’s growth. But don’t just take our word for it! Issuers in our beta program are already seeing exceptional results: 

  • A professional association drove a 40% increase in credentials shared on social media
  • A higher education institution improved program referral rates by 55%
  • A leading certificate program drove a 6X increase in program revenue

Accredible Senior Product Manager Jake Ford dives into a quick demo of Email Campaigns below. If you’d like to learn more about using Email Campaigns to grow your program, schedule a demo today, or register for our upcoming webinar “3 Emails Proven to Increase Learner Engagement & Program Awareness” on March 20.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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