
Integration Spotlight - Docebo

Cody Gondyke
October 13, 2022
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

The Docebo Connect integration enables issuers using Docebo’s multi-product SaaS learning suite to automatically deliver credentials to their learners. Use the Docebo Connect integration to automatically deliver feature-rich digital credentials including digital certificates, digital badges, and blockchain credentials to learners based on issuer specified criteria.

What is Docebo?

Docebo is a SaaS organization specializing in learning management systems (LMS). The Docebo Learning Suite is intended to provide a single platform solution to support the entire learning process. This includes the creation and management of content, the delivery of training, and the ability to measure the business impact of programs. The Docebo Learn LMS ranks in the world’s top 10 SaaS e-learning solutions and positions themselves as an enterprise targeted LMS. Using the Docebo Platform, organizations benefit from:

  • The ability to create flexible learning programs supported by a library of extensions and native integrations across all products
  • The delivery of personalized, scalable learning to different audiences across in-person, virtual, and blended learning environments
  • A streamlined content strategy using organization created learning content or access to pre-existing high quality learning materials
  • Validation of the organization’s learning investment with support for data-driven business decisions to grow programs

What is Docebo integration?

Docebo integration through Accredible enables issuers with Docebo Connect to automatically issue digital certificates and digital badges to learners in Docebo Learn. Using the Docebo integration, issuers can:

  • Save time issuing credentials to learners through automated digital certificate issuance based on issuer-set criteria
  • Connect Accredible to Docebo and instantly deliver digital badges to learners

The benefits of using Docebo integration

Docebo does have support for course certificates built into the platform however there are some restrictions. Certificate recipients must download a copy of their certificate which means it is no longer controlled by the issuer. If any changes need to be made to the issuer created certificate templates these are not automatically reflected on the recipient’s certificate and must be deleted and reissued. Issuers that use digital credentials delivered using Accredible’s Docebo integration benefit from:

  • A dedicated credential webpage on a unique URL that offers space for granular program detail, skill tags, and uploaded evidence
  • Retained control over the validity, design, and metadata of issued certificates and badges to update, amend, or delete live credentials
  • QR-code support for enabling hard-copy verification of printed digital certificates
  • Simple drag-and-drop design tools that allow for fully customizable digital certificate and badge designs supported by custom attributes and full control over design and branding
  • One-click verification of credential validity across devices and clear indication of expired credentials
  • Built-in, one-click sharing to over 20 social media platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
  • An enterprise ready platform backed by bank-level encryption and data protection
  • Optional blockchain protection for digital credentials to provide increased security against credential fraud
Digital Badge and Digital Certificate Example

Digital Credentials as a Marketing Tool

Example of a Digital Certificate Shared to LinkedIn

As Docebo certificates are downloaded in PDF format this prevents recipients from sharing their achievement. Accredible’s feature-rich digital credentials are easy to share to over 20 social media platforms, or embedded in email signatures, and on personal web pages. This gives issuers the tools to increase their visibility and brand awareness through recipient shared digital badges, digital certificates, and blockchain credentials. Every recipient share increases the visibility of the issuer's brand and programs. Candidates in the target audience see the shared credentials and are motivated to engage with and investigate the credential for their own development needs. The dedicated credential page provides space for program details, demonstrable skills, and evidence of knowledge or experience that better conveys the value of the credential. This helps to drive referrals, grow programs, and increase revenue from chargeable courses. 

Digital Credential Design

Digital Badge Designer

Accredible offers two easy to use drag-and-drop credential design tools, the certificate designer and the badge designer. Issuers have full control over the appearance of their digital badges and digital certificates. They add their branding to help increase recognition, and use animated GIFs to stand out against their competitors and attract the attention of prospective candidates. Custom attributes help to reduce the number of credential designs required by setting placeholders for credential data including recipient names, course names, stakeholder signatures, and many more. Each design tool includes access to a free-to-use library of templates and design assets. The libraries are used to help issuers get their credentialing programs launched faster or provide guidance for the creation of custom designs.

Retain Credential Control

Example of an Expired Digital Certificate

Digital credentials exist in real-time which means issuers retain control over the design, details, and validity of their issued digital certificates and badges. PDF credentials lack control once they are in the possession of recipients which creates a risk of credential fraud. By setting an expiration date for digital credentials, recipients are motivated to return to reskill or renew their membership. Recipients receive email reminders as their credentials near expiration. Once the expiration date passes, credentials are updated with a page-width banner that states the credential can no longer be verified.

The PDF certificates offered through Docebo also mean issuers cannot edit certificates that have been previously issued. Any changes to the Docebo certificate template that need to be reflected on previously earned certificates results in the issuer having to delete and then issue the certificate again. For Accredible digital credentials, editing control remains with the issuer, and edits or changes to design can be made to all live credentials. Editing control also reduces the cost of amendments or updates such as spelling corrections or name changes.  

How to set-up Docebo integration

To connect Docebo with Accredible, users will need to use Docebo Connect. Users with Docebo Connect can access and set up the Accredible Integration within Docebo by selecting Connections > Create Connection > search “Accredible” > Enter your API Key. Guidance for locating the integration API key can be found in our knowledge-base:

Docebo have provided a detailed article for getting help with Docebo Connect available here:

From there, the organization can begin creating workflows for issuing credentials based on actions in Docebo Learn.

How to use the Docebo integration

After successfully integrating Accredible into Docebo using the API connector, issuers need to create their digital credential groups via the ACMS. 

Creating a Digital Badge or Certificate

Digital credentials are designed, managed, and updated from the Accredible Credential Management System (ACMS). From the ACMS issuers can access our dedicated certificate designer and badge designer tools, and easily manage all of their credentials from one place.

Direction for creating digital badges and digital certificates is available in our knowledge base library of help articles. Follow the links to our help articles below:

In Summary

Accredible’s Docebo integration enables you to deliver feature-rich digital certificates and digital badges automatically to your learners. Replace insecure PDF certificates with digital credentials that remain in your control and can be easily amended, updated, or expired. Integrate Accredible into Docebo today and start offering shareable and verifiable digital badges, digital certificates, and blockchain credentials to your candidates to increase your program and brand visibility. 

For more information about Accredible, digital credentials, or integration with other platforms, learning management systems, and solutions, book a platform demo.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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