
How Professional Associations Use Spotlight for their Member Directory

December 15, 2022
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

Most associations strive to create a community that thrives on mutually beneficial connections. You never know whether or not the person you were just introduced to might be the key to your next professional opportunity, and associations can be critical facilitators in these relationships. While these connections can be forged at quarterly events and meetings, it’s very easy for members and potential employers to miss out on essential interactions due to coincidence or oversight. Read below for an introduction to a new way of showcasing your members’ industry expertise!

How do associations use membership directories?

Associations use membership directory software to showcase their membership, provide connections to qualified individuals, and tag members as available for work. As you increase the career growth opportunities for your members, new registrations will come out of the woodwork. The increased visibility and ease of secure navigation will attract new members to your association. 

Why do associations need a membership directory?

There are many reasons why member directory software is essential for any growing association. Primarily, it serves as a public or private ‘mini LinkedIn’ for your members to be listed and display their credentials related to your association. This increases the value of membership and your association’s credibility within the industry. 

Though association information varies, member profiles typically contain their name, email, and chosen credentials. In other scenarios, they will include a photo, social media handle, or tier level within the association. A good quality directory will allow associations to set the criteria that appears to viewers and is searchable for member profiles.This depends on what they most want to showcase to other members!

What benefits does a membership directory provide?

A membership directory allows third parties to quickly verify the validity of a credential holder in a branded, comprehensive location. It is estimated that 40% of people lie on their resumes, which causes concern for many employers. A membership directory solves that problem immediately by presenting members alongside their held verifiable credentials to ensure credibility from both the member and the association. 

Membership directory platforms allow employers a direct channel to find people with your qualification. This increases the opportunities for your members and potential employers. It opens the door for many business partnership opportunities and creates a new avenue for networking. 

What is Spotlight?

Spotlight is a certified member directory home base for people to find and verify professionals who hold your certifications. Accredible offers this as a premium feature that can be purchased as an add-on to your Accredible account. 

Spotlight allows viewers to filter candidates by location, credential name, and user name. It is also optional to include skills and work availability. Each user profile can contain an avatar, Twitter, or LinkedIn handle. 

How does Spotlight benefit associations?

Spotlight helps you to build, manage, and customize a directory of your qualified professionals. It allows associations to incentivize prospective members to register and grow their careers. 

Spotlight increases the value of your credentials. This next-level visibility for members can be career-defining, highlighting your association's effectiveness and credibility. When members can showcase achievements in a more specific, visible, and nuanced way, you hold the key to their next opportunity.

Additionally, your brand can expand powerfully. With a white-labeling feature, associations can fully customize every aspect of their membership directory platform, removing any branding the software provider may have. This builds your presence online and attracts more engagement to your social media, website, and registration page.

What benefits does Spotlight offer members?

Especially in the past three years, we have all learned that building a network and growing your career can take a lot of work. Through innovation within LinkedIn, more tools have become readily available to enhance this process and connect with like-minded individuals. 

Spotlight takes that innovation a step further through increased brand specificity. Starting the networking process from scratch in a big world full of people can be daunting, and Spotlight helps members start at third base instead of the dugout. 


In conclusion, implementing membership directory software is a surefire way to grow your community. Room for error is eliminated with an easy-to-navigate directory, and your members will be making solid and ideal connections. 

Book a demo today to speak with our sales team about how you can utilize Spotlight and our digital badging platform to grow your association!

Further Reading:

The Digital Credentials and Professional Associations guide provides insight into how professional associations use credentials, and how digital credentials can better support associations and their members.

Use this guide to:

  • Identify the major concerns of associations around credentialing
  • Research solutions for secure, verifiable credentialing
  • Implement easy-to-manage, scalable digital credentials
  • Plan effective digital credentialing programs that engage members

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