Company News

Historic Product Updates

January 1, 2019
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

A compilation of all the historic product update announcements for Accredible's digital credential management software prior to January 2019.

v1.7.2 – Canvas Integration & Customizing your Recipient Experience

January 5, 2017

Great news from the Accredible Team!

We have a new Canvas LMS integration which you can use to automatically sync course data and generate credentials:

In addition, you can now customize your recipient experience:

  • Change which features are visible to people viewing your certificates and badges.
  • Disable features that you don’t want recipients to use.

Here’s our video walking you through how to update the recipient experience:


v1.8 – Portrait Certificates and International Paper Sizes

January 11, 2017

More news from the Accredible Product Team!

We’ve got another update for your digital credentials! Now you can make your certificates portrait in orientation and select different paper sizes. We’ve added some templates to help you get started. If you previously had a US Letter size template and always wanted an A4 template, you can finally make the switch, and the update should take no time at all.


v1.10 – Guides

February 8, 2017

We’re excited to announce that Accredible is easier to learn!

New walkthrough guides.

We’ve added six walkthrough guides and a new help video to teach you how to get started: creating certificates, making a certificate design, branding an email, customizing your social media settings and using badges. You can access the guides at any time on your dashboard


v1.11 – Attributes

March 7, 2017

Custom Attributes now have been separated from Certificate Designs. This means that getting data into Accredible and managing your data is much easier.

Use custom attributes throughout the platform.

Previously the Certificate Design dictated the fields available when creating Credentials – So the [attributes] you added to a Certificate Design would then show when creating credentials.

Now all Custom Attributes are available throughout the platform. Regardless of Certificate Design, Group etc. This is much closer to a standard “mail-merge” feature.

You can manage your Custom Attributes on the settings page. For example, you may add the following Attributes to your account:

* Partner Name – text
* Partner Logo – image
* Practical Exam Date – date

These new custom attributes will now be available to you whenever you add Credentials, regardless of the group. They are also available on the Certificate Design in an easy selection interface.


v1.14 – Email Customization and White Labelling

April 25, 2017

Take control of your credential communication with our new email editor.

Increased control over email branding and content.

Our visual email editor lets you:

  • White label all emails sent to certificate and badge recipients.
  • Customize the content of any email.
  • Customize the call to actions in your email.
  • Specify a particular email template for any course or achievement.
  • Use an email template for multiple groups with just one click.
  • Localize email templates.

We’ve also taken steps to improve email deliverability and have provided more consistent, visually appealing email templates.

Want to learn how to use the new email editor? Click here.


v1.14.1 – Japanese Locale

May 17, 2017

We’re excited to announce support for Japanese recipients!

Now we support credential delivery to recipients in English, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.


v1.15 – Security Hardening

May 25, 2017

We’ve spent the last couple of weeks making sure our security is bulletproof!

Alongside improving our policies we’ve deprecated some SSL cyphers that drop support for older browsers but ensure that we’re better protected.


v1.17 – Blockchain Credentials

June 5, 2017

We’re excited to announce you can now securely issue your credentials with our pioneering Blockchain technology.

Blockchain Credentials.

When this option is enabled, a permanent record of your credentials is cryptographically sealed into the blockchain. What does this mean? Third parties viewing those credentials can be absolutely certain a record has not been altered, providing an ironclad defense against fraud.

It’s easy to use and is included in your current pricing – it doesn’t incur any additional cost.

What is the Blockchain?

The Blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value. Accredible uses the Bitcoin Blockchain to store an immutable record of credentials. Anything that we write to the Blockchain can’t be altered in the future by any party.

How does the Blockchain prevent fraud?

Once we’ve recorded a credential on the Blockchain it cannot be altered, faked, or spoofed. If someone attempts to create a credential that looks like your credentials it won’t verify against the Blockchain record.

Learn more about Blockchain Credentials and see how easy they are to create. View a Blockchain example certificate.


v1.18 – Improvements

June 15, 2017

We’re always working hard to improve our service and make creation, management and delivery of certificates, badges and Blockchain credentials as easy as possible.

Add social media buttons within the visual email editor.

A regular part of our work is to spend time fixing small bugs, making improvements and adding small features. In this update we’ve made many such improvements including:

  • You can set a groups credentials to be private by default.
  • You can prevent automatic acceptance of typo name changes.
  • We’ve added a social media button generator to the visual email editor.
  • We’ve updated the appearance of credentials when shared on twitter to be more attractive and flexible.
  • You’re now able to rotate your API keys.


v1.20 – Team Member Permissions

July 12, 2017

To keep up with compliance, prevent mistakes and get the help you need it’s important to have the right team member permissions set up for your colleagues.

Setting team member permissions.

We’ve made it easier and simpler to add team members and control what they’re able to do with your credentials.

Now you can:

  • Select which groups a team member has access to.
  • Restrict a colleague’s access to billing, designs, analytics, email, etc.
  • Set team members to ‘view only’ mode.

We’ve also added the ability to log in to more than one organization, enabling you to manage more than one brand and keep different departments’ credentials separate.

Get help understanding and using the new permissions system.


Credential Layout Improvements

August 23, 2017

We’re always striving to make sure that our certificates, badges and blockchain credentials are as easy to understand as possible and that our user interfaces communicate in a simple and effective manner.

Improved credential layout.

Our latest update brings improvements to these layouts:

  • Your branding is clearer on the credential.
  • It’s easier to see who the recipient of a credential and who the issuer of a credential is.
  • The sidebar has been redesigned to better communicate the actions a recipient should take.

View our example credential.


Search Attributes

August 28, 2017

With Accredible it’s easy to provide all the data you need to display on a certificate, badge or blockchain credential.

Updated credential search.

With our latest update it’s easier than ever to search and find what you’re looking for. Our credential search:

  • Enables you to view which credentials have been made public or private by your students.
  • Let’s you choose which custom attribute you’d like to search within.
  • Still makes it easy to quickly locate recipients.

This update makes it easier to work with your any custom data you provide.
Read our help article on searching for more information.


Infrastructure Update

November 12, 2017

We’re always working hard to ensure that our service is a secure and performant as possible.

In the past three months we’ve released over 100 updates to our product.

Most of our upgrades are like changing tires on a moving car: we rarely pull over to stop, because your credentials, your alumni tracking, and shares never stop. But on Sunday 12th November we performed an upgrade more like swapping out our engine (and adding in 4 turbochargers, plus a larger trunk). This update provides enhanced security and performance.


Measure Marketing Value

November 16, 2017

We've updated our analytics reporting to bring you more value.

Updated analytics view.

Updated Analytics Reporting

Digital credentials already offer more marketing value than traditional, paper based certificates, but with our latest update you can easily quantify and review the value you’ve received from issuing online.

Accredible is now able to show you the number of views your credentials are getting, how many clickthroughs to your website are generated, and what dollar value that is giving you – essentially for free!

Easier Reporting & Clearer Value

  • Options to export analytics reports for the last week, month, year, or all time, it’s easier to gauge your marketing impact over time.
  • See how many clicks your website has gained from your certificates and badges.
  • Estimate how much these clicks would have cost via paid marketing channels.
  • View the marketing value of your certificates and badges for all time.

To view the marketing value for your organization visit: the analytics summary page


Credential & Wallet Redesign

December 6, 2017

Your Certificates & Badges just got better!

Updated digital credential view.

The Credential view, wallet view and user settings, have all been restyled and harmonized to provide a clearer, easier to use experience. You can view an example digital credential here.

  • Credential and wallet have a recipient header that shows an avatar and the name of the recipient.
  • The experience is fully responsive working from mobile phone up to 4K screen sizes.
  • Our responsive menu is easier to use, smaller and less impactful.
  • The wallet view can be viewed by issuer or year of issue.
  • Transcripts are easier to print.
Updated digital wallet view.

Over the coming months we’ll continue work on improving the experience for your customers.


More Certificate Design Templates

January 18, 2018

We’re always adding new designs and resources to make sure that designing, creating, issuing and delivering certificates and badges is as easy as possible.

Signup to use and customize these templates.


Public Wallets

February 19, 2018

Recipients of certificates and badges can now showcase their learning using our public view of their profile.

Example public wallet.

We’ll be adding more functionality to this in the future so that it’s easier to collect badges, certificates and blockchain credentials.


Branded Issuer Pages

April 5, 2018

We’re always working to improve your brand exposure and referrals.

Branded issuer page example.

Our latest update creates a page for each of the brands you have in Accredible where we provide links to your social and web profiles alongside your achievements.

Take a look at our example issuer page.


Easier Workflow: Default Group Settings

April 26, 2018

We are constantly improving the Accredible platform to ease your workflow. Today we’re excited to announce our latest feature: Default Group Settings.

Default group settings.

Head over to Groups and click Default Group Settings to set the defaults you’d like for any new Groups that are created, including:

  • Language
  • Credential privacy
  • Brand
  • Email options and Templates
  • and more!

Now, when creating a New Group, all these settings are already in place!


Copy Group & Default Designs

May 7, 2018

We are still improving the Accredible platform to ease your workflow.

How to clone a group.

You can now:

  • Clone a Group to save time setting up a new badge or certificate.
  • Set a default design. Setting a default certificate or badge design means that you can add new Groups via Canvas, Moodle, Brightspace or your own integration and start delivering credentials with no setup.

Visit Groups to try out the clone feature and Default Group Settings to choose a default certificate and badge design for newly created Groups.


Customize Your Achievement List

May 30, 2018

We’ve made it easy to customize the appearance of your brand listing page.

Example brand listing page.

You’re now able to:

  • Upload a banner image.
  • Write an organization description.
  • Add your logo.
  • Choose which certificates and badges are displayed.
  • Include links to your website and social profiles.

Here’s an example brand listing page:

Head over to Branding Settings to customize yours:


Better Badges & Certificates

June 12, 2018

We’ve improved the experience of your certificate & badge recipients.

Improved recipient experience.

It’s now easier (and more attractive) for your recipients to share their collection of credentials. If you’re issuing more than one certificate or badge to the same person, they can now easily share a glance-able page with all of their achievements.

A recipient of a credential can now set a password for return visits for easier login. Recipients of certificates and badges are still automatically logged in to the credential and don’t get prompted to create a password. They will only see the option in the dropdown from their account name. This makes re-logging in much smoother (and equally secure option) for many recipients who have found the security-code process difficult in the past.

We now indicate to certificate and badge viewers that they can ‘Verify a Credential’. We want your recipients to benefit from increased trust in their credentials.

– We’ve updated the display of the credential page to put more emphasis on the requirements and status of a credential.

Sharing is easier. We’ve reworked the actions on the credential view to ensure that the key options are easier to access.

– Certificates & Badges load much faster and have a reduced file size.

– We now support the French language. We’re always adding new languages.

Take a look at our badge example:


Service Status Page

June 28, 2018

We’ve created so that you can easily view our real time platform status and find out about past incidents.

Service status page.

Using this new website you can:

  • Subscribe to receive email notifications whenever an incident happens.
  • View the current system status.
  • Learn about the details of past incidents.
  • Share it with your students so they can see incidents resolved in real-time.

Visit to subscribe for incident notifications.


Department Usage

July 24, 2018

View the usage of Accredible across your different departments.

Department usage screen.

Visit Admin Usage in the dashboard to see:

  • Certificate & Badge issuance over time.
  • Email activity per department.
  • Team member sign ins.

As always we’d love to hear if you have any feedback! If you’d like to enable Departments for your account then please reach out to


New Audit Feature

August 30, 2018

Never worry about losing your certificate & badge information again!

New audit feature.

We’re excited to release our new Audit feature which lets you track and view all the changes to your data.

Visit Audit in the dashboard to:

  • View data has that been changed in your account.
  • See which team member created, updated or removed data.
  • Recover mistakenly deleted data.

The Audit feature is available on all accounts whilst it’s in Beta!

As always we’d love to hear if you have any feedback! Please reach out to and let us know your thoughts.


New Language Support

November 9, 2018

We’re very excited to announce further localization of Accredible certificates, badges & blockchain credentials.

Updated language support.

We’ve added support for: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese (TW) and Turkish. We already had support for English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.

Next on our localization list is the addition of Arabic, Hebrew and Malay.

If you’d like to request support for a new language then please just let us know via


Our Favorite Five New Features for November 2018

November 21, 2018

We’ve added a lot of new features and functionality to Accredible in our latest release. Here are our top five!

1. New Credential Page Layout

The new credential page is cleaner and easier to read:

Example digital certificate.

We’ve introduced screen areas for new information to be added, such as other courses. You can also provide your own custom call to action and link, as shown middle right below:

Updated information capture on digital certificates.

2. Credential Privacy Indicator

Sometimes its the little things that make the biggest difference, and this much asked for feature will allow issuers to see the privacy status of their issued credentials, in the credentials list.

Public credential visibility.
Private credential visibility.

3. Contract Details View

Now you can see detailed information on your subscriptions and your entitlements, including your monthly cost, any adjustments, next month’s charges, and your balance.

4. Kryterion Webassessor Integration

Webassessor by Kryterion integration.

Kryterion Webassessor is a leading testing platform used by some of the biggest names in education and technology.

We’ve built an integration to deliver world-leading certificates, badges and blockchain credentials from their platform. Automatically issue credentials for successful test takers and enable automated lifecycle management to handle recertification.

If you’d like to know more about the integration please contact us at

5. Additional Language Support

We’ve added support for: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese (TW) and Turkish. We already had support for English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.

Next on our localization list is the addition of Arabic, Hebrew and Malay.

If you’d like to request support for a new language then please just let us know via

Additional language support.


Certificate and Badge Embed

December 22, 2018

It’s never been easier for recipients to embed your certificates and badges in their emails, websites and social media profiles!

New digital credential embed feature.

Our new embed function guides recipients through the process of adding your certificate or badge. Embedded badges and certificates are now stateful. If you delete or expire the credential we make sure that the embedded image is updated.

Credential invalid example.

Learn more about embedding credentials into email signatures, and embedding credential images to a webpage.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

Book a demo