Product Updates

Full White Labelling Service Launched

December 6, 2018
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
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When issuing credentials, many organizations wish to protect their brand identity, and ensure a seamless and high consistency experience for their users.

We’re delighted to announce that our new white labelling service that allows you to do just that, in an easy and cost effective manner.

The white labelling service makes core functionality available to all users, and adds more through a self-selectable premium feature. The core functionality allows you to:

  • Use your own logo within the issuer dashboard.
  • Provide your own banner image and description for your issuer page on the recipient website.
  • Control the header and colors used in emails sent to recipients (we already allow you to control the text).

The premium feature (available as a self-selectable add-on for all issuers) enables you to:

  • Provide your own vanity URL for the recipient website, for example
  • Show your own logo in the header of the recipient website
  • Control the footer content of the emails sent to credential recipients.
  • Let users see a branded version of the credential wallet, showing only credentials issued by you.

White labelling brings benefits beyond the immediately apparent ones of enforcing a consistent brand identity and professional presentation. People accessing the credentials that you have issued will feel that they are still on your site. As a result they will therefore feel more engaged with your organization, and more aware of the value that you provide. The legitimacy and value of your credentials will be enhanced since it is your organization, directly, that can be seen to be the issuer.

The premium feature enables the “Recipient Website Branding” page:

Settings for recipient website branding.

When viewing a credential, the page is branded with your logo, and uses your chosen URL:

Branded credential page.

Should even more customization be required, we also offer a bespoke-level service, which allows control of navigation bar, footer, CSS, and changes to other page elements.

For more information on setting up white labeling, see our help page. To see pricing and get it set up for your organization click here. For more information, do contact us.

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