Employee Training

10 Ways to Increase Engagement Through Blended Learning in Corporate Training

Cody Gondyke
July 27, 2023
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

If you’re looking to give your training processes an overhaul, you might want to consider blended learning. Blended learning in corporate training has emerged as a powerful strategy. It involves taking the best elements of traditional instructor-led sessions and combining them with learner-led techniques. As it offers an engaging and flexible approach to learning, it’s very well suited to the modern workplace.

This article explores ten effective ways to boost engagement through blended learning. Each method uses a different approach, but all of them share the same goal: to support the development of a productive and knowledgeable workforce.

1. Incorporate gamification elements

Human beings are playful animals, and most of us enjoy games. Gamification takes advantage of that instinct by incorporating game-like elements into non-game contexts. The competitive and entertaining nature of games can make learning fun, increasing engagement and making it more likely the knowledge gained will stick.

If you’ve ever tried meditating on Headspace or learning a language with Duolingo, you’ll be familiar with the concept. Leaderboards, achievement badges, and performance rewards can create a sense of accomplishment, motivating employees to delve deeper into their training.

Another big benefit of using gamification is that it’s a learner-centered approach that helps everyone progress at their own pace. This helps trainees build confidence and enjoy a sense of achievement.

2. Create interactive modules with multimedia elements

Training modules that use multimedia elements such as video, audio, and interactive quizzes can significantly enhance learner engagement. That’s because they have the potential to transform basic training materials into immersive experiences that are more compelling.

For instance, you can use a video tutorial to guide trainees through complex concepts with a visual demonstration. Alternatively, the to-and-fro of quizzes can assist with reinforcing learning, thanks to the fact the trainee receives immediate feedback.

A trainee sits at a computer engaging with video training
Video training is one of the most popular formats for boosting engagement and ensuring accessibility

What’s also great is that using diverse methods of delivering information caters to different learning styles. This makes your training program more inclusive. After all, not everyone learns in the same way. Some are visual learners, whereas others lean more toward abstract methods. Using multimedia elements in your training means there’s something to suit each individual.

3. Facilitate group discussions and collaborative activities

Group discussions and collaborative activities are terrific for enriching the whole learning experience. They encourage a rich exchange of ideas that helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Think big and take it out of the classroom. If you have a pitch coming up, get the trainees involved. Collaborating on projects that have a genuine impact will add an extra layer to the experience.

And it’s definitely worth making time to do this. Group activities allow learners to share knowledge, insights, and experiences, contributing to a richer understanding of the training material all round.

4. Design real-world application exercises

As an extension of this, why not include even more practical, real-world exercises? Let’s face it – they bring learning to life. Because they bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical applications, they help employees see their learning in context. Examples of how you might implement this include:

  • Integrating case studies that describe real-life situations
  • Developing role-play exercises to practice soft skills
  • Designing problem-solving challenges that mirror actual work scenarios

In the face of complex learning and development challenges, these real-world application exercises can help employees gain a deeper understanding of how their training relates to their role. In turn, this can make it more likely that they’ll be able to apply the learned skills to the job.

A group of trainees taking part in a corporate training workshop
Real world exercises help individuals to retain new knowledge and skills

5. Tailor training programs to individual learners

One-size-fits-all strategies don’t apply in modern corporate training – or at least, they shouldn’t. Customizing training programs to meet the unique needs of individual learners can significantly improve engagement and learning outcomes. This could mean:

  • Assessing individual learning styles and tailoring content accordingly.
  • Developing personalized learning paths based on the individual’s career goals.
  • Allowing flexibility in the pace of learning.
  • Changing the sequence of learning modules depending on what’s most relevant for individual roles.

The key point is to use tailored learning techniques to address the specific learning and development challenges of each employee. That way, you can help everyone maximize their own learning potential. 

An absence management system can really help here. It provides access to data on how each employee is performing and helps you identify any individuals who might benefit from extra support. On top of that, it can also help to highlight who might have missed out on some training so that you can make sure to offer it to them again.

6. Offer mobile-friendly training materials 

These days, most of us use our mobile devices for a wide range of tasks. So offering mobile-friendly reskilling and upskilling training materials can significantly enhance engagement and accessibility. Doing this allows learners to:

  • Access training materials anytime and anywhere
  • Complete training modules at their own pace
  • Engage in microlearning – bite-sized, focused content that suits busy schedules

Offering mobile-friendly materials means learners can fit their training around other work commitments. This means less disruption overall. After all, you presumably wouldn’t want an employee to miss an important client meeting to attend a training session. If they can access training in their own time on their mobile device, they won’t face this dilemma.

7. Combine ILT sessions with online learning modules

There is still very much a place for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) sessions. When you combine them with online learning modules, you get the best of both worlds. This approach provides a balance that can be very effective. 

ILT offers face-to-face interaction, real-time feedback, and a chance for social learning. At the same time, online learning modules provide flexibility, personalized learning experiences, and the capacity to revisit content as needed.

One of the biggest benefits of having a trainer on site is that they can deliver guidance. Employees can learn complex concepts or skills in ILT sessions with their help, while online learning modules can be used for reinforcing knowledge or further self-study.

ILT sessions can encourage open discussion and they’re an excellent setting for team-based activities. Learners can ask questions and get immediate responses. Online learning modules, on the other hand, are great for backing up in-session content with resources such as quizzes and digital badges for reaching specific milestones.

An example of a digital badge award issued to individuals in corporate training
Example of a digital badge award

8. Implement regular assessments 

Regular assessments are critical in corporate training for a number of purposes:

  • Gauging the effectiveness of the training program
  • Monitoring progress toward agreed objectives
  • Understanding areas of strength and weakness

Broadly speaking, assessments fall into two categories:

Formative assessments

These are small tests delivered on an ongoing basis such as quizzes. They provide immediate feedback, allowing learners to identify and correct any misunderstandings.

Formative assessments are considered an integral part of the training process. They motivate learners and you can reinforce this aspect by creating a system of rewards or certificates that trainees collect for achieving specific goals. In turn, this helps instill a sense of achievement, encouraging further learning.

Summative assessments 

These are end-of-course tests such as final exams or projects. They offer a comprehensive evaluation of learners’ understanding and skill level.

While these give a vital overview of your employees’ achievements, they have another function. Feedback from the big assessments helps you fine-tune your training programs, making sure they’re properly aligned with learners’ needs and your organization’s goals.

9. Integrate social learning platforms

Since social media platforms are a mainstay of most people’s lives these days, it makes sense to use them for training purposes. Your employees will already be familiar with the dynamic of these kinds of platforms, so integrating some into your training modules won’t be a problem.

You can use online groups and discussion spaces to take advantage of a collaborative learning environment that reaches beyond formal training sessions. Employees can participate in discussions, ask questions, and provide peer-to-peer feedback, creating an engaging and interactive learning community.

Additionally, social learning platforms can support the informal, ongoing learning that occurs outside of formal training, helping to create a culture of continuous learning and development within your organization.

A representation of two individuals having a discussion via an online social forum
Social forums are an excellent platform for promoting discussion and feedback

10. Leverage learning analytics 

Through the analysis of data such as learners’ performance, time spent on modules, and interaction rates, trainers can assess how well learners are engaging with the training material.

If you’ve designed a particularly complex training program that includes practical, real-world challenges and collaborative projects, make sure you have a way of capturing all the data you need. You can use a workforce management system to plan an activity and make sure it can be completed in time. 

You can also track how much time employees are spending on different projects. This removes the ambiguity of manual timesheets and gives you a much more accurate picture of how engaged your staff are with various training modules.

Assuming you have a comprehensive dataset, you can put it to good use. Insights gained from the data can help trainers identify patterns, predict trends, and fine-tune the learning experience. 

For example, if analytics show that learners are struggling with a particular module, trainers can adjust the content or offer additional support. On the other hand, if learners are consistently racing through a module easily, you might want to consider making that content more challenging.

In addition, learning analytics can provide personalized feedback, helping trainees pace their progress. This can motivate them further to take ownership of their learning, which gives engagement a boost.

Try blended learning for better results

When you use blended learning in corporate training, what you get is a dynamic approach to employee development. Leveraging these strategies helps you provide employees with a healthy balance of guided instruction and learner-centered training.

Implementing a blended learning strategy allows you to cater to different learning styles and promote the real-world application of skills. Both of which are ideal for fostering top-tier engagement levels. The result? A highly motivated and knowledgeable workforce. And that’s great news for everyone.

Launch your blended learning strategy with feature-rich digital credentials to boost engagement and motivation. Offer rewards to individuals for successfully completing training with shareable digital badges and digital certificates that showcase their hard-earned knowledge and skills. Get in touch with Accredible for a platform demo, or explore the benefits of our digital badging solution and digital certificate platform to learn more.

Further Reading

Get our free to download Digital Credentials in Corporate Training guide to learn how to implement employee development programs supported by secure, verifiable digital credentials. With this guide, learn how to engage and inform stakeholders and decision-makers on how digital credentials benefit corporate training providers and their trainees.

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Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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